Obesity - New findings

Obesity - New findings

The BMP8B, a protein that could be key
Groups Biomedical Research Center in Red-Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn) Neur Obesity University of Santiago de Compostela, led by Dr. Miguel Lopez and Molecular Biology and Gene Regulation of Adipose Tissue and pathology, University of Barcelona, led by Dr. Francesc Villaroya, just discovered a new system of regulation of brown fat or brown adipose I otejido brown, key in the battle against obesity.

  The demonstration that manage BMP8B protein known as the hypothalamus region of the brain, in experimental animals, active brown adipose tissue or brown and light switch radiator calories paves the way for the pharmaceutical industry and the development of medications to help control body weight in humans.
The intercéntrico study and international, which have also helped other groups in Iowa (USA), Stockholm (Sweden) and Cambridge (UK) as the overall coordinator of the work, published in the May issue of the prestigious journal Cell, the publication of major impact in the field of biomedicine and molecular biology.

Brain-brown fat

Until now it was known the important role of the brain in the prevention and cure of obesity, namely the hypothalamic area, very important in the regulation of energy obesity. So was the great potential of brown fat, which is good in this field. The literature is extensive on this plane. 
What was less known is the connection made with the same objective, between the two. One thing this study shows CIBERobn to raise awareness of the hypothalamic-brown fat shaft incorporating a new path element analysis: BMP8B protein (bone morphogenetic protein 8B), a key molecule in the regulation of thermogenesis (ability to generate heat) of brown fat.
Bone morphogenetic proteins are growth factors that belong to the TGF family and traditionally have been implicated in the formation of bone, cartilage and connective tissue. 
However, the results of this study demonstrate for the first time, that BMP8B expressed at high levels in brown adipose tissue and hypothalamus, modulating thermogenesis key aspects, such as the ability to burn fat tissue. "The relevance of these actions remains marked by the fact that mice lacking BMP8B (created for this study) are markedly obese, despite having an intake reduced food, when compared with normal mice. 
Made to be they have a reduced ability to burn fat in brown adipose tissue, "says Dr. Miguel Lopez.
CIBERobn equipment found that the administration of low doses of BMP8B directly in the hypothalamus is sufficient to increase so powerful body temperature of the animals as a result of stimulating the production of heat by the brown adipose tissue.

Obesity In the last three years has shown that one of the mechanisms underlying the obesity epidemic is a malfunction of the brown adipose tissue. 
Contrary to the blank, typical fat, brown fat does not store, but oxidized to obtain the energy dissipated as heat in response to the phenomenon of thermogenesis. This explains that the brown adipose tissue helps burn more calories and produce heat from body fat. 
This is why brown fat has attracted attention as a potential therapeutic target in the treatment of obesity. However, the molecular mechanisms that result from its operation are not entirely known. 
Brown fat acts like a human heating boiler, being essential for the survival of newborns. Until recently it was thought that only babies and certain mammals have this type of tissue in your body. Recent research, using innovative nuclear medicine techniques have shown, however, that brown fat is active also in adult humans. So far, the only known strategy to induce the brown fat was a chronic exposure to cold.
After having proven that the brown fat is metabolically active in our bodies and there are other ways of stimulation, researchers are now focusing their progress CIBERobn the possibility of pharmacologically or by nutrients stimulate the activity of the so-called good or slimming fat.