Lost 4 kg in a week permanently

Lost 4 kg in a week permanently

If you are overweight and for some days ingest very little food and

perform lots of exercise, you can lose weight 4-5kg. And the effect
positive in your body composition will be visible a year later.
Spanish sports scientists wrote about it in the
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. But before
I embark on implementing the results of the study, read it to
completely. You will be disappointed.

Losing weight quickly in a short time is possible:
Professional athletes do it continuously, although dietitians
advise against it. They claim that if you lose weight too quickly lose
comparatively greater amount of muscle mass. And that's
exactly what is seen in human studies in
the people lose over half kilo per week.

But these studies deal slimming attempts lasting
weeks. The very short periods-from several days- where you reduce
drastically your caloric intake while exercising intensely
not have the same negative effect. And the curious Japanese experiments
the animal
confirmed. Furthermore, the same studies in animals have shown that
after this "crash diet" muscle mass is recovered faster than
fat mass.

Researchers at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
They recruited 15 overweight men, with an average BMI of 30- to
lost 4kg in a week. During the first four days were only
allowed 320 kcal ingested daily. At the same time they walked eight hours
daily and trained their arms in a machine during ergometer
45 minutes (see photo above). The combination of diet and exercise
imply that every day men lost more than 5000kcal consumed.

The researchers divided the men into two groups. a group
received 320 kcal in the form of whey protein; the other, as
sugar (sucrose).

At the end of the four days were allowed to eat as much as

needed for the rest of the week. They were not allowed much

The researchers examined the subjects one month and one year
later. They found that fat loss induced by the four
days of famine and plenty of exercise remained after one year, and
much of lean mass was recovered.

The graph shows the number of kg of fat that were lost with the
crash diet, separating the group of whey protein and sugar.
The graph shows that a year after the crash diet the amount
fat unrecovered in the sugar group has been minimal.

How does this work? The article does not clarify it. It is hoped that the
group whey protein retains more lean mass, and therefore
burn more calories. But if we observe a similar plot with kg

lost lean mass, we see that is not the case.

If you project yourself repeating the experiment as subject, employs
whey protein and no sugar shock during your diet. If you do
so, it is plausible that the results last longer, even if
know the cause.