Do not miss the opportunity, How quickly we can lose weig

Do not miss the opportunity, How quickly we can lose weight

To lose weight we do not just lose fat. Many studies show that when we diet, we lose on average 75% fat and 25% muscle mass. The percentage of weight lost can be quite large water - do not forget that water accounts for about 70% of human weight.

Weight loss is not constant and not proceed with regular speed. Different people lose weight at different rates. This is because weight reduction is dependent on various factors such as starting weight, diet, lifestyle, physical activity, health status, genetic predisposition, metabolism, stress level, etc.

By thinning also includes, in addition to fat loss, other things so that the actual speed of weight loss is determined by various individual factors and is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to give an exact answer to the question "how fast I can lose weight? "

Nevertheless, let us point out some basic guidelines on the maximum speed of thinning:

What can we lose faster?

The faster the water is lost in the body. This loss can reach astonishing 20 kg for a week, but we emphasize this is very dangerous for health. As quickly lost returns faster, so do not expect to keep these pounds for long.

How many fat lose?

The maximum amount of fat a healthy person can lose is about 1-1.5 kg per week. Normally these maximum values can be achieved only by people very overweight. For comparison, a 60 kg weight can lower the maximum around 0.5-0.6 kg per week.

Why not adelgazamos?

Our body has been formed and developed under the conditions of the prehistoric era when hungry and obesity has become a major threat. So our body is not programmed to lose weight, but to survive. Indeed, if we have drastically decreased calorie intake, your brain undertakes measures to slow the metabolism and conserve calories. This is one of the main reasons that adelgazamos slower fatter.

Side effects of overly rapid thinning

Accelerated excessively thinning, for example, in result of surgical intervention, may cause unpleasant side effects. The two most common side effects are:

1. Sagging skin. . If you have lost weight too quickly, your skin does not have time to be reduced to the extent of the new slimmer body shape.

2. Gallstones. Studies show that people who lose large amounts very quickly their weight are at increased risk of developing gallstones compared to slow and gradually thinning.

Thinning too fast is usually a result of artificial changes to our eating habits. Not surprisingly, that does not give your body enough time to adjust to the new time. So although our physical weight may have changed, our mental attitude towards food and diet stays the same. It is therefore recommended that thinning is a lengthy process. During that process measures should be taken for the recovery of lost muscle mass and not in any way allow the body to become dehydrated.