10 myths about weight loss

10 myths about weight loss

Perhaps in meetings or casual conversations you hear views about methods to lose weight. All say about diets, products or reductive methods that have been effective, as well as those that did not reflect any results. However, many myths about this topic. Meet the most mentioned.
By Brenda Enriquez
Although many refuse to accept, the most effective way to lose weight is simple: adopt a healthy lifestyle. Combine a balanced diet with exercise ensures not only improve mood, but decrease the likelihood of the dreaded rebound. With so many myths, nutritionist Cecilia Martin del Campo Braeuner, debunks some.

1. Detoxification makes losing weight and not recovered
Detox diets prohibit the consumption of one or more food groups, which provides few calories. These diets promise to lose a lot of weight in the shortest possible time, which is unhealthy and subsequently has serious health implications. Lose more than three pounds a week long increases the chance of developing gallstones. Also, a diet of 800 calories a day can eventually lead to cardiovascular disease. Also, if you're not careful you will recover faster than you think weight.
2. Walking is the best way to lose weight.
Speaking of physical activity, is not your typical walk 15 minutes a day, which is healthy for our body, but not effective for weight loss. Weight loss is achieved by increasing exercise intensity, ie combining elliptical 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes of treadmill and stair climber. If we add weight training healthy eating and weight loss will be even greater.
True 3. Restrict fat and carbohydrates to lose weight.

Should be consumed in smaller quantities but not eliminate them. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body. There are two types: simple and complex.
Simple sugars, cakes, cookies, white bread, rice, white pasta, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. These are high in calories and low in nutrients.

Complex: fruits, vegetables, whole grains. Fewer calories and a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

It is advisable to increase the consumption of complex carbohydrates and reduce or eliminate the use of the simple. If to this we add physical activity, weight loss will be quick and healthy.

4. Skipping meals to lose weight.
The lack of food alone manages to put slow metabolism and weight loss is slow. If the body goes too long without food starts a defense mechanism, and when returning to receive food instead of burning, the reserve for times of starvation or fasting. To speed up metabolism you need to eat small portions every three hours: breakfast, snacks, lunch, snack and dinner, this helps with weight loss.
  5. Eating less than 1000 calories to lose weight.
This theory is false, because our body needs a defined amount of calories to breathe, make the heart beat and even to think. So consuming too few will slow metabolism, since practically only receives energy for the basic functions of everyday life, and the process of weight loss is almost nil. It is best to advise with a nutritionist who will design a customized plan.
6. Use the same method to lose weight neighbor.
Each person has their own metabolism, family history, suffering and eating habits, so the results by adopting the method of weight loss colleague, will be different. Probably diet, reducing product or exercise plan that worked for a friend to lose weight, do not be as effective. Another point is that the physique is also different, ie, as she loses measures at the waist, you see the change in the arms or legs. In other words, the diet should be personalized.

index-of-mass-body 7. Pure water thins
Drink two liters of pure water a day is one of the healthiest habits there. Pure water does not add calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but not thin. Excess water can only cause satiety.

  8. The dinners fattening.
Usually after dinner you sit down to watch TV, read a book or go to sleep. Because your physical activity is little or none, all those calories, carbohydrates, protein and fat that you ingested during dinner, accumulate in your body, making it even slower the process of weight loss. Pay attention to the amount and type of food you eat at night.
9. It is light, can eat more.
The light label means a food that provides fewer calories than the original version. Many products are labeled but low in calories, contain an excessive amount of, for example, potato chips and candy. So beware of the light products because their excess fat.

10. A healthy lifestyle helps you lose weight and keep.
The balanced diet, drinking pure water, limit consumption of fried foods, breads and pastries, increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, exercise, part of a healthy lifestyle. Studies show that most people know what causes them overweight, but do nothing to improve. Achieving a healthy lifestyle requires consciousness in the process of weight loss, and 90 percent will and 10 percent of knowledge. Never forget the golden rule: eat fewer calories than you burn during the day.