Diets and tips for better silhouette in the new year

Diets and tips for better silhouette in the new year

The practice of physical exercise without professional supervision of health can negatively impact the joints and cause injury.
Remove food groups, skipping meals and not go to a professional are errors when losing weight.

It is now January 1, 2015, the day that many will jump on their scales and confirm a suspected: their bodies bring a few extra pounds gained in the old year.
The truth is that in the Christmas celebrations tend to overeat.
In the UK, for example, the average person tends to eat up to 6000 calories alone on Christmas Day, when it is usual that a man eat a 2000 500 calories and a woman near 2000 a day, according to published British Dietetic Association.
Dinner for three
In the UK, for example, the average person tends to eat up to 6000 calories alone on Christmas Day, when it is usual that a man eat a 2000 500 calories and a woman near 2000 a day, according to published British Dietetic Association.

Lose weight and tone the silhouette are the aspirations of many. However, experts say that you should not lose weight without the guidance of a health professional.
Physical activity without medical guidance can be dangerous.

Exercise training without medical supervision negatively impact the joints, and the magnitude and type of injury will depend on the activity that explains orthopedic and trauma surgeon José Félix Castillo, the National Orthopedic Center.
In cases of low impact activities such as gym exercise (weight lifting, crossfit, insanity, etc.) unsupervised "generally find overload or overuse injuries due to repetitive trauma that can bring this activity on the joint or a ligament or specific muscle group. "
While -Football to make contact sports, martial arts, American football, basketball, baseball, RUGBY- "injuries from mildest to the most complicated" are presented.
According to Castillo, there are several factors that can affect the joints, and will depend on the activity and fitness.
According to the orthopedist, everyone should know what type of exercise performed. "Most people have friends who recommended them to do 'x' or 'y' activity, whether in the gym or in groups where you try to standardize the activity to all its members that each agency has its limits and its specific resistance ; is where the injuries arise. "
Therefore, the doctor recommends that before making a physical activity consult a specialist sport, whether "orthopedists, physiatrists, physical therapists, physical education teachers, true fitness trainers, not the neighbor who lifts weights, because we all have resistors and different anatomies, we suffer from various diseases and have different ages. "
If what you want is to break the sedentary, start with low impact exercise is the best way to do: walk, exercise bike, treadmill, swimming pool, soft aerobics, elliptical, at least 20 to 30 minutes three times per week are some of the options.
"Our body is our temple, and we must take care not only exercising it, but also watching what you eat," he adds.
With it coincides nutritionist Knight Eira, Ministry of Health, who claims to start a food regimen should not be limited to the intake of food groups. Read more nutritional advice.
The fact that the actor Tom Hanks has followed the sugar free diet (which often eliminates carbohydrate), and singer Miley Cyrus the Paleo diet (or cave) or the performer Beyoncé's VB6 (consisting of lead vegan diet before 6:00 pm) does not mean it's right.
That is the message that has tried to convey the British Dietetic Association (BDA, for its acronym in English), through its "Being famous does not make someone an expert on diets".
Therefore, the BDA, as has submitted a list of the five worst celebrity diets to avoid in 2015, among which are the three already mentioned, in addition to the diet of the clay in previous years (which is Zoe Kravitz) and urine therapy (that plays the adventurer Bear Grylls, drinking his own urine).
Those diets without consulting a health professional, which suppress the intake of certain food groups radically, are harmful to the body.
No single food has all the nutrients needed by the body, explains nutritionist Eira Knight, head of nutritional health department of the Ministry of Health.
risky diets
The British Dietetic Association (DBA) has noted among the five worst celebrity diets, corresponding to the clay (which is Zoe Kravitz) and urine therapy (that plays the adventurer Bear Grylls, drinking his own urine).

"The human being is born, because it is being fed into the body of his mother. We at birth do not live to eat; We eat to live and it is shown that humans should eat foods of all types. No single food has all the nutrients needed by the body. "
It is advisable that a person "eliminate food groups and just keeps making a protein based diet, or a diet of fruit or carbohydrates, because each of these groups is a source of various nutrients," he says.
The dietitian Eira Knight added, for example, that meat and dairy products are good sources of protein, while vegetables and fruits are sources of vitamins and minerals. "If I only like meat, I'll be leaving to give my body the vitamins and minerals he requires. To the reverse is the same: if I only give fruits and vegetables to the body, I am removing protein intake is especially important in children, it is necessary to train their muscles ".
The nutritionist Diana Murillo, the Panamanian Association of Dietitians Nutritionists adds that carbohydrates are part of the necessary nutrients for a balanced diet and stay healthy. "The elimination of carbohydrates in the daily diet brings fatigue and weakness as these are the main fuel for brain function. A balanced diet should include complex carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals, beans) in their unrefined versions and preferably consume at breakfast and lunch.
The specialist added that social networks and internet allow people to access a host of "crazy diets" or extreme diets. "We can find them with endless creative names like pineapple diet, green tea diet, water diet, etc ... Such diets without scientific basis without the supervision of a health professional, can bring serious consequences for health, "he explains.
Another mistake is to stop eating because "you think that deleting breakfast or lunch will lose weight faster, and is the opposite, because it comes bounce" says Knight.
According to nutritionist Murillo, skipping meals is one of the most common when performing a dietary regime which brings counterproductive effects on weight loss mistakes.
"By eliminating the number of meals per day, metabolism decreases, because it uses less energy to degrade ingested nutrients. This brings the reduced metabolism and weight gain. It is best to eat five to six times a day in small portions and, thus, make sure to keep the body's metabolism going. "
Furthermore, another common fault that highlights Murillo is eating a variety of pills and "miracle" pills. "On the market all kinds of miracle weight loss pills. Many of these have the effect of depriving the body water, which gives the erroneous idea of losing weight. They can also cause loss of appetite, which can lead to skipping meals. The most recommended is not to use this kind of 'miracle' pills to achieve the goal of reducing weight. "

Follow low calorie diets to reduce weight quickly can cause a rebound effect, and a nutrient deficiency would have to follow diets that a lot of micronutrient-rich foods like fruits exclude explains Murillo.
Add it can lose weight with a healthy and balanced diet, which should be guided by a nutritionist, and waive several distinct "diets" throughout the year.
Believes that one should "eat a balanced diet to ensure intake of foods from the different food groups, as directed by the nutritionist, reduce the consumption of saturated fats and increasing consumption of omega 3 fatty acids, and red meat consumed twice a week. "
Knight summed it to get lose weight in a healthy way, it is important to see a nutritionist because this professional will make a scientific assessment, taking into account your height, weight, degree of physical activity undertaken, inter alia, that will eating plans that vary periodically in the size of the portions you should eat from each group.
Both dietitians agree that it is necessary for you to keep the nutrition professional results of basic laboratory tests in order to take them into account when making your plan.
In this sense, Murillo said that "when applying this nutritionist can ascertain the state of health of the patient and detect relevant diseases that should be considered when establishing a nutritional plan. Data such as lipid profile, fasting glucose and hemoglobin, as initial tests are essential for an individual or for therapeutic purposes "nutrition plan.